Mother Nature has not been providing us great weather for our beans. High humidity, foggy, overcast days combined with light hail and rain have tattered a few leaves and provided ideal conditions for halo blight and bacterial brown spot. There is no real cure for these diseases. Use of copper products as a preventative has been proven to be the best.
However, a couple of products with peroxide and acid have shown some positive results, they are especially good on white mold but if you use these products we feel you need to follow with copper, not with. The only insect really we need to worry about is the Western Bean Cutworm and if you are applying, adding an insecticide makes perfect sense. Water needs are going down. White Mold is a concern at this time.
Any questions give us a call.
There has been a change of time for the tour of kidney bean fields on the 15th of August it will be 11am, please make note.
The road numbers for the fields are in
Nebraska Rd 317 and Rd 742 the fields are a mile west of these road numbers.
If your coming from the west at state line take Rd 317 will take you straight there.
If coming from Hwy 6, Imperial NE, take right on Rd 742 going north until you get to Rd 317 take a left go a mile on the left hand side.
Until next time…